

When I Look

Nobody knows what I’ve been,
                          where I’ve been,
                          who I’ve been.

I have feathers hanging off of my ears, blonde locks of hair but no fairy tales. I love children’s books and fairy tales. I’ve made a habit of picking them up in libraries.
Soundtracks are the type of music that would put me in a happy mood and for some reason, make me think of Christmas. I walk through my home town and make people say August when what they actually mean is January. Thank you.
I had my curtains pulled to the right (left?) for the most part of the day and a mess in my room. But when I walked to the window to close them I saw three little boys watching me. I was reading in my bed covered in multiple layers (onion?) the entire time. Wave, smile and close.
Green tea makes me hungry and Earl Grey reminds me of 34A, September 2010. Soon 2012. When and where does time fly (to)?
I’m a dreamer
       a traveler
       a searcher
       a questioner
       an artist
       a balance seeker
       a help
       an onion
       a vertigo.

I miss people I’ve barely met. Or never met. I love music when shouted into empty spaces. Such as Kings of Leon’s  ‘Closer’. I dream of you every night. I make promises and keep them. New Year’s resolution – to watch all of Akira Kurosawa’s movies (as a director).

I see. Immensely.  


Andreea spunea...

Daniel Scarpa: '...and again, depressing, but then again, that's your trademark'

Scarpa spunea...

^ it's like a New York Times review on the back of a book ;))

ogto spunea...

i used to to have a blog!!!

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